my full name split into 2

I hav been tagged by kiena kat facebook.
ekceli da lama da kena arini baru berkesempatan membuang masa. so here it goes.

Been tagged : las 3 weeks i think or almost. cant remember the exact :p
time duration: 10-1145 pm kot. but still les than 1 day tho.
next person to be tag: sesapa yg baca ni...u've been tagged!!!!

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : Mar / Yati

2. A four Letter Word : Mind / Yell

3. A boy's Name : Mohammad / Yusof

4. A girl's Name : Maisara / Yasmin

5. An occupation : Magician / Youth Worker?

6. A color : Merah / Yellow

7. Something you'll wear : Mini Dress / YSL perfume

9. A food : Mee Bandung / Yam

10. Something found in the bathroom : My showergel / Your brush

11. A place : Melake / Yaman

12. A reason for being late : Mandi / Yawning

13. Something you'd shout : Mak ko :D / Yennadei!!!

14. A movie title : Madagascar / Yesterdays

15. Something you drink :Milo Ais / Yeos

16. A musical group : MUH / Yuna

17. An animal : Monkey / Yu

18. A street name : Mahameru / Yong Peng

19. A type of car : Mazda 6 / Yamaha

20. The title of a song : Mambo no5 / You & Me

its alive now!!!

feel free to visit my blog. any enquiries pls emel me at or just simply YM! suitesweet21
tengs in advanced for visiting and pls leave ur feedback by emailing me.


Booss n Bahasa Melayu

HI Maryati Selamat Pagi...
nth kenapa tetiba aje mat salleh ni nk ckp BM ngn guwe...i saw he walk in together with 2books. i wonder wat books it is.

boss: i got dictionary.
staff: wat dictionary?
boss: bahasa malaysia - bahasa inggeris dictionary( smbil tunjuk2 tajuk buku tu). Inggeris is english? hahaha...funny spelling
staff: =.=
boss: its been 2 years im in i think dis is the rite time to learn malay language.
staff: :)
(ala ckp je la nk kawen ngn org melayu. nk kaber2 lak :p...sori boss)

afternoon after lunch

boss: alooooo...ahh vry hot outside there!!! n wat i hav been taught, "Panashh nk mampushh!!!"
staff: harrrr....wahahahhaha (farnie boss guwe ni & im pretty sure dis words is not coming from dat 'dictionary' )

apa2 je la boss..


boss: 2 years in bahasa melayu?
staff: 2 tahun.
boss: 'tua tahun'? (demm!! :p)

the day after


staff: boss i hav to go now. need to go to tmnet. complaint bout my internet problem.
boss: ok mar...."tampas!!!"
staff: arr what?...??..??
boss: slap them.
staff: haha (aih mane la die belajar ckp ni...)

(while packing laptop..its time to go back!!)

boss: (dr bilik die teitba menjerit) TAHNIAS!!TAHNIAS!!
staff: keep looking each other..=.=
boss: congrats marr!!!
staff: (haduii rosak bahasa ku..) hahah bout what?
boss: ;;) (main mate pulak die)
staff: shrinking?!!
boss: ya ya ya....
staff: heeee :p

1st entry

It has been a while doesnt update my blog..(sigh) dis few weeks getting bz and bz. nk updet blog pun x de masa kat opis. dgn tenet kat umah pun kena CATU??!! wth..kena CATU??!! dah seminggu da x leh online..owhh snap dan sangapnyee....~~ =.= kol tmnet pun mcm ampeh..lain org ckp, lain yg die buat...(sigh lg)

lama nye x de entry pasal mkn2 ni kan. actually there are a few places yg dah pegi..but as i said, getting bz wif works! before, now and after.

for this entry, im focusing more to western food. since dah lama x pegi mkn western, teringin mkn kat western cafe. lama nye x mkn chicken chop bukit ni....mmm~~~

one thing suke mkn chicken chop kat sini sbb kuah die..mmg banjir kalah kuah roti canai banjir. dgn black pepper die yg sedap dan byk ( not suggested for those yg x suke lada itam) .
since da lama x pegi, terkejut jugak dgn harga yg mendadak naik (kata, jln2 cari mkn pernh dtg sini or in positive thinking, kegawatan ekonomi kot) mungkin ini adalah sbb2 kenapa harga chicken chop pun turut naik. tp nk mkn nye psl, dah lama x pekena, bedal je la labu...

location : bkt anggerik, cheras (berdekatan shell)
special menu : black pepper chicken chop
time operation : till late nite kot.

2nd entry

at first, ktorg plan nk makan mamak je. pusing nye pusing nk cari paking kat dataran dwitasik, we saw 1 shop mcm nice je tmpt ni (environment yg menarik)...hikhik. kunun nk try. so g la duduk bile dpt menu aduii sume western n as we tought, its a bit xpensive!!!. wat to do dah duduk pun takan nk bgn. naseb baik la gji baru masuk. x de la tercungap2 nk baya. try for one time..kalau nice berpatutan ngn apa ktorg baya. as worth as we paid. x kesah la mahal mana janji sedap...

as we wish arabiata spegetti...mmg nice. no wonder mahal sbb ada oyster lagik! dan seafood yg byk :p. 3 out of 5 stars

mushroom chicken chop with cheese...
mmm kunun nk try la apa beza nye ada cheese ngn x de same je...mane x nye cheese die sejemput je pun...feel like eating burger special je...
hahah berger ayam special sound nicer than chicken chop cheese kan.. ada doesnt mean its special. 1.5 out of 5 stars kot

location : bdr sri permaisuri, cheras (dataran dwitasik)
special menu : none
time operation : till late nite kot. 2am?

while listening mp3s, play games, watching trailers.

ke kenduri + ke jj mkn2 + ke midvali sopin2

sabtu g keramat, ada kenduri. pas mkn2 sesi bergambar. diskus nk cari surau @ masjid d sekitar.

lelaki: mana surau dekat kat sini ek?
tuan umh: mm kat ngn umh mak teh ada surau.
lelaki: hah moh le kt ke sana.
wanita: alaa..baik g jj ada surau gk kat situ. jj pun dkt( dlm hati leh le menyopin >:))
wanitas: hah jom2


smpai jj jenjln, pusing2, sopin2...lapa blk padahal bru je pas mkn kenduri. masing2 perut kecit tp nafsu sgt besarrr..hahaha

lps je selesai pusin gjj yg amat besar dan lawa lanskapnye...penat, penat jugak mood nk menyopin tetap kuat.

1: korang pas ni ada nk ke mana2 ke?
2: x de kemana pun. pnt da
1: mmm...ktorg nk g midvali pasni. nk ikut tk?
2: hah nk nk (laju mcm moto bot je jawabnye) hahahah

lalala ke midvali la kami org. smpai le metrojaya da bg anouncement nk tutup kedai. sorg satu bwk blk beg metrojaya...puas ati!!! :p