3 days b4 the day - DUGAAN

was happened on 16 April 2009

dah 3 ari selsema batuk sejuk2 badan.
pagi tu da rase malas2 nk g keje. igt nk apply mc sbb x sehat..tp pk2 pasal keje,
x jd lak nk amek mc. huhuhu (malas nk call HR mintk cuti benarnya)

tape la...kesian lak member nnt nk g keje x de transport nk tompang.

dr rumah lg ..."byknye dinosor kat jln2 raya ni. x suke la" nnt kete sume slow. da la lmbt g keje.
masuk je simpan ke cyber....brekkkkkkkk!!!!! GEDEGANG!!!
segala carut2 da keluar dr mulut. dinosor ni lau nk masuk simpang pun jgn arrr tetiba..lau org langgar die, die bkn ada apa2 kete org len yg teruk.
seb bek dpt brek...tp....
dtg pulak waja x sempat brek.. abeh bontot kete da kena cium. DEM!!!
x pasal2 je pg tu mmg x masuk opis (tu la niat lg x nk g keje) huhuhu :(

mamat waja tu suruh kejar dinosour tu yg jln terus mcm x de apa2 berlaku je kat blakng..
diri ini apa lg...keja mcm samseng nk pegi kutip utang. siap keluarkan tgn thn dinosour itu OKE!!~~

ni la dinosour yg sengal...

"apek lu masuk simpang ada tgk kanan ka? u dr lane kiri trus mau potong masuk simpang..u tak tgk kereta ka? signal pun x kasi"
dgn muke sengal apek tu "...apa? saya sudah tgk..ada lori..x da kereta saya masuk la...jln cyberjaya ini saya yg buat tau..saya tau sume jln sini...saya yg buat.."
huh sengal tetap sengal...budush tui apek ni...

robek kereta ku..mcmtu jugak la robek hati ku...sob sob :(

bak kata napi...mamat waja tu mcm Ally Iskandar la..
Oke...sape nk kenai leh le mintk no tepon dr saya~~~ wahahahwahahha :p
sape cpt die dpt...lalalala





tak de keje cari keje.
dis is wat i found. i took frm my fren's blog.
credit to MJ. ske pulak main mendelah ni.
tengs for ur inspiration :p

picnic gabai


27 march 2009

pegi keje pakai slipar jepun
kunci rumah tinggal kat pintu pagar rumah
muka kena calar ngn pintu kereta
nak ambek pen g amek STRAW!!!
sengal ngntuk seharian x tido ini lah padah nye.

hot air balloooooOOoon

11.30 pg - bertolak dr umah dgn mak. kunun nk gerak awal smgt nk g tgk hot air balloon. tggu..nye tggu. aih mamt ni siap kalah kan pompuan. lama betul siap nye. last2 ktorg g dulu biar die pegi ngn kawan die je. dats it!!!
12 tghari - amek budak kecik si wani kat alam damai. pantang di ajak sure nk ikut. alamat kena kuarkan duit lebeh la lau ada budak kecit ni.
1230 tghari - smpai persint2. mm..x nmpk pun hot air balloon naik. belon budak2 melayang2 ada la. sah salah TIMING!!! g tgk kat board..dem!! kui 530ptg nnt. (counting..1230, 130, 230, 330, 430, 530!!!) masyaAllah 5jam kena tggu.
1ptg - bwk budak2 jenjln tgk gerai2 yg mostly semuanya mknan je. so x jd jln dgn panas terik. lepak kejab x leh tahan.
me : "jom la kt g alamanda. amek airkon dulu. mkn kat sana. men bowling ke"
wani: wani haus la nak air...
130 ptg - alamanda here we ego!!! kol apit gtau ktorg ada kat alamanda. g jenjln, lpk kat fudkot minum.
230 ptg - jom main bowling apit blanje. yeayy!!! skali bowling full daa...sangap bergande.

apit : jom tgk wyg la. telentime.
me : mak nk tgk ke? hahaha tape kot cite melayu. kasi pecah!!
apit : telentime nex wik la...
me: demm!! sangap tripleee!!!
apit : jom karok la...
me : harrrrrrrrrr...mak?!!! ko g je la
mak : lau ada bowling mak boleh join.
me/apit : harrr...mak da teruja ngn boling!!

330 ptg - apa nk buat? jln2 kedai2 alamanda. bole di katakan semua kedai ktorg masuk. mak sibok nk masuk kedai langsir ngn cadar. masuk la kedai lovely home (ye ke?!!..lupe) ada la nk sejam lebeh jugak abeh kan masa kat situ.
430 ptg

wani : jom la g tgk hot air balloon. wani nak naik. bole naik kan makcik?
me : harrr...adeh kering2. cek wallet lu ada ke tk duit.

5 ptg - ke persint 2 semula. tgk org men layang2. bes nyeee teringat zaman MMU. ptg2 main lelayang. sgt layan okeee~~~
530 ptg - da terpacak dpn pagar padang tu. lambatnye.. da la panas
615 ptg - at last. here we are...

ni la first air balloon yg dorg try to pump. teka la apa die...the air ballooon soo cute.

and this is the result. ORANGE!!~~ rse nk mkn tak.eventhou cahaya matahari sgt terik..i keep pushing myself to waiting more n more d air balloons. makin lama makin seronok. semua sumellsss sumellsss...
here a few balloons yg i suke...

the balloon smiling at u!~~ so cute.
peacock and gajah is in the airrr~~~

the vieww~~~is the bes..

7 ptg

wani : da abeh...wani lapa la..
me : lapa pulak...nk mkn apa
wani : nk capati
me : seb bek mamak je die nk. lau x..kena la g korek atm tu.

at home : EXHAUSTED!!!


jam 6.38pg

emosinya diri ku dgn manusia yg beremosi dan tak sabar.
diriku tidak pernah terasa se emosi begini.
arghhh...diri ku mmg tak tertahan lg dgn emosi-emosi manusia di dunia ini.

tidak kah boleh bersabar seketika?
perlukah ada kata2 yg kurang enak di dgr?
perlukah ada pikiran2 yg sempit utk dilontarkan?
begini kah manusia sesama insan sahabat seagama?
diriku tidak terbendung lg dgn amarah.
kesabaran ku ada batasnya.

kesempurnaan seseorang tidak lg sempurna dgn sifat2 beremosi.
jika kesempurnaan yg slalu diingini, manusia akan sntiasa dibelenggu emosi dan nafsu amarah.
terpikir jua, emosi ini lah membuat kan diri manusia tidak bersatu.

aku pasrah.
emosi tidaklah baik untukku.
emosi hanya akan menimbulkan perpecahan antara sesama sahabat.
itu yang aku tidak mahu.
aku cekalkan hatiku, saba...biar lah hatiku yg menangis.

emosi sama juga dengan amarah.
dimana amarah seperti nyalaan api "
setan diciptakan dari api"
jadi kalau aku terbawa emosi bererti aku terbawa rayuan setan yang terkutuk.

YA ALLAH..jauhilah diriku dr perasaan nafsu amarah dan tidak sabar ini.
hindari lah diriku dari rayuan setan yang menyahut sumbu emosi yang berakhir dengan penyesalan di dalam hati.

sesungguhnye..diri ku ini adalah org yg lemah dan kerdil.


di sebabkan ramai yg tertanye2 apakah objektif video dibwh....
saya attachkan apa yg sebenarnye terjadi.
sile lihat pada minit 07:43 gerenti anda tau. hahaha :p


sile tonton sehingga abis...hahahaha :p

julia juli episode 6


: owh abaikan suara2 yg merdu itu yer. lebeh molek jika anda mute kan saje :

*source dr elya loba loba :p


tagged by : alif,ya,wau
time start : 9.45pm

The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people.


I really want to go to ...

cape town, africa

My favourite place ...

My favourite thing ...

My favourite drink ...

My favourite food ...

My favourite colour ...

I live in...

seri kembangan, sel

I was born in...

My school/college...

smk puterijaya



My favourite story...

My hobby...

I wish...

Who i want to tag ???...

my full name split into 2

I hav been tagged by kiena kat facebook.
ekceli da lama da kena tagged..so arini baru berkesempatan membuang masa. so here it goes.

Been tagged : las 3 weeks i think or almost. cant remember the exact :p
time duration: 10-1145 pm kot. but still les than 1 day tho.
next person to be tag: sesapa yg baca ni...u've been tagged!!!!

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : Mar / Yati

2. A four Letter Word : Mind / Yell

3. A boy's Name : Mohammad / Yusof

4. A girl's Name : Maisara / Yasmin

5. An occupation : Magician / Youth Worker?

6. A color : Merah / Yellow

7. Something you'll wear : Mini Dress / YSL perfume

9. A food : Mee Bandung / Yam

10. Something found in the bathroom : My showergel / Your brush

11. A place : Melake / Yaman

12. A reason for being late : Mandi / Yawning

13. Something you'd shout : Mak ko :D / Yennadei!!!

14. A movie title : Madagascar / Yesterdays

15. Something you drink :Milo Ais / Yeos

16. A musical group : MUH / Yuna

17. An animal : Monkey / Yu

18. A street name : Mahameru / Yong Peng

19. A type of car : Mazda 6 / Yamaha

20. The title of a song : Mambo no5 / You & Me

its alive now!!!

feel free to visit my blog. any enquiries pls emel me at suitesweet21@gmail.com or just simply YM! suitesweet21
tengs in advanced for visiting and pls leave ur feedback by emailing me.



Booss n Bahasa Melayu

HI Maryati Selamat Pagi...
nth kenapa tetiba aje mat salleh ni nk ckp BM ngn guwe...i saw he walk in together with 2books. i wonder wat books it is.

boss: i got dictionary.
staff: wat dictionary?
boss: bahasa malaysia - bahasa inggeris dictionary( smbil tunjuk2 tajuk buku tu). Inggeris is english? hahaha...funny spelling
staff: =.=
boss: its been 2 years im in malaysia..so i think dis is the rite time to learn malay language.
staff: :)
(ala ckp je la nk kawen ngn org melayu. nk kaber2 lak :p...sori boss)

afternoon after lunch

boss: alooooo...ahh vry hot outside there!!! n wat i hav been taught, "Panashh nk mampushh!!!"
staff: harrrr....wahahahhaha (farnie boss guwe ni & im pretty sure dis words is not coming from dat 'dictionary' )

apa2 je la boss..


boss: 2 years in bahasa melayu?
staff: 2 tahun.
boss: 'tua tahun'? (demm!! :p)

the day after


staff: boss i hav to go now. need to go to tmnet. complaint bout my internet problem.
boss: ok mar...."tampas!!!"
staff: arr what?...??..??
boss: slap them.
staff: haha (aih mane la die belajar ckp ni...)

(while packing laptop..its time to go back!!)

boss: (dr bilik die teitba menjerit) TAHNIAS!!TAHNIAS!!
staff: keep looking each other..=.=
boss: congrats marr!!!
staff: (haduii rosak bahasa ku..) hahah bout what?
boss: ;;) (main mate pulak die)
staff: shrinking?!!
boss: ya ya ya....
staff: heeee :p


1st entry

It has been a while doesnt update my blog..(sigh) dis few weeks getting bz and bz. nk updet blog pun x de masa kat opis. dgn tenet kat umah pun kena CATU??!! wth..kena CATU??!! dah seminggu da x leh online..owhh snap dan sangapnyee....~~ =.= kol tmnet pun mcm ampeh..lain org ckp, lain yg die buat...(sigh lg)

lama nye x de entry pasal mkn2 ni kan. actually there are a few places yg dah pegi..but as i said, getting bz wif works! before, now and after.

for this entry, im focusing more to western food. since dah lama x pegi mkn western, teringin mkn kat western cafe. lama nye x mkn chicken chop bukit ni....mmm~~~

one thing suke mkn chicken chop kat sini sbb kuah die..mmg banjir kalah kuah roti canai banjir. dgn black pepper die yg sedap dan byk ( not suggested for those yg x suke lada itam) .
since da lama x pegi, terkejut jugak dgn harga yg mendadak naik (kata, jln2 cari mkn pernh dtg sini or in positive thinking, kegawatan ekonomi kot) mungkin ini adalah sbb2 kenapa harga chicken chop pun turut naik. tp nk mkn nye psl, dah lama x pekena, bedal je la labu...

location : bkt anggerik, cheras (berdekatan shell)
special menu : black pepper chicken chop
time operation : till late nite kot.

2nd entry

at first, ktorg plan nk makan mamak je. pusing nye pusing nk cari paking kat dataran dwitasik, we saw 1 shop mcm nice je tmpt ni (environment yg menarik)...hikhik. kunun nk try. so g la duduk bile dpt menu aduii sume western n as we tought, its a bit xpensive!!!. wat to do dah duduk pun takan nk bgn. naseb baik la gji baru masuk. x de la tercungap2 nk baya. try for one time..kalau nice berpatutan ngn apa ktorg baya. as worth as we paid. x kesah la mahal mana janji sedap...

as we wish arabiata spegetti...mmg nice. no wonder mahal sbb ada oyster lagik! dan seafood yg byk :p. 3 out of 5 stars

mushroom chicken chop with cheese...
mmm kunun nk try la apa beza nye ada cheese ngn x de cheese...tp same je...mane x nye cheese die sejemput je pun...feel like eating burger special je...
hahah berger ayam special sound nicer than chicken chop cheese kan.. ada cheese..so doesnt mean its special. 1.5 out of 5 stars kot

location : bdr sri permaisuri, cheras (dataran dwitasik)
special menu : none
time operation : till late nite kot. 2am?


while listening mp3s, play games, watching trailers.